With so many of the people I care about most being hundreds, if not thousands of miles away, here is a way to get a peek into my ever-changing, always busy, crazy, spontaneous, beautiful life.
Posted by Meredith at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Bubble Blowing Skirt and Top GIVEAWAY!!!!
I was just checking out some different blogs and saw this. For anyone with a little girl...it's adorable!
Posted by Meredith at 9:03 AM 0 comments
Posted by Meredith at 2:26 PM 1 comments
We decided to check out the ocean at night. I could not believe how different it was than during the day. It was kind of erie. It was VERY dark. And it was soooo quiet. We all wore head lamps so we could easily see what was right in front of us. We saw lots of dead 'man-o-wars'. Come to find out, these can be lethal if they sting you with their tentacles. We've seen lots of warnings about them lately when we go to the beach...and now we know why! We also saw a giant sea turtle! He had just got done laying eggs and was heading back into the water when we spotted him. I got pretty close and actually got a decent picture of him.
I think this nightime beach experience was enough for me for awhile. Too many sea creatures way too close to shore for my liking! You never know when a giant could be lurking by shore!
Posted by Meredith at 2:02 PM 1 comments
Posted by Meredith at 11:06 AM 1 comments