Wednesday, February 4, 2009

San Diego? New Zealand?

The original plan for next winter was to head to San Diego, rent a little condo on the beach and hang out for 6 months. Not too shabby. Cory and I have been getting excited about this idea everyday (especially the really cold days) and we thought nothing was stopping us from heading to San Diego in September. Well...of course, another idea had to one up the one already in progess. A 56-day adventure trip to New Zealand and Australia...instead of San Diego. It wouldn't make much sense to head to San Diego, move in to a place for 2.5 months, only to pack up and leave the country. So now we're torn. Just San Diego? Just New Zealand/Australia? San Diego with just a short trip to New Zealand? Ugh. Decisions, decisions. I'm not complaining...they are both amazing opportunities. It's just so hard to choose!

A little more about the trip: it's called the New Zealand & Australia classic. If you go to this link... you can read all about it. It's a group of about 20 people...ages 18 - 30. Some people in the group are getting college credit, others just do it for fun. Each day includes different activities...mountain biking, hiking, swimming with dolphins, sea kayaking, sky diving, relaxing in hot springs, etc. It almost sounds too good to be true. But then does San Diego.

So I need a little input. What would you do?

New Zealand...

San Diego...


Angie said...

I would.... move to NYC for 2.5 then head off to New Zealand. I know someone you can live with, for free!! ;)

Nana said...

Meredith, there is alot to consider here. I'm sure that time will help you make some decisions. Let things begin to happen...Love you lots. XOmom